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CleanUp 2.1a
23-Feb-97 1,006K Win95/NT Full Version Never Expires Install Unknown
CleanUp is an off-line algorithm for moving unnecessary HTML stuff and informing about missing files you may have before publishing the Web.
Spyglass HTML Validator 1.0
01-May-97 1,240K Win95 Full Version Never Expires Install & Uninstall
A tool that allows document authors to check their documents against an HTML markup specification (called a "Document Type Definition" or "DTD") to be sure that there are no markup errors. This ensures that the document's content will appear reliably on HTML browsers.
CyberSpyder Link Test 2.0
19-Feb-97 3,090K Win95/NT Full Version Never Expires Install Unknown
CyberSpyder Link Test is a WebMaster`s friend as it will check all of the links on a site and report on any that no longer work! When the program is started, one or more key URL`s are entered, CyberSpyder Link Test then works tirelessly until all the links have been tested and prepares a set of reports on any problems found.
Linkbot 3.0b Beta Build 110
28-May-97 2,300K Win95/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
The ultimate link verification and site management tool. Say good-bye to broken links. Automates routine maintenance and testing. Checks internal and external HTTP and FTP links. Creates a what's new and what's old page. Maps the structure of your site. View the results in the Explorer style interface or in a HTML report. Works from your PC's local drive or a remote server on any platform. Much more! "Linkbot is short for Link Verification Robot. After entering a starting URL, Linkbot will traverse your Web site looking for broken hyperlinks. The results of Linkbot's analysis are summarized in a table that lists the status of each link along with many other useful statistics. It has some nice features like: 1) Gathers 15 statistics about each link: Link status, error number, link type, link file name, link base address, parent URL(s), link description, document title, last modified date, expiration date, authors name, file size, content encoding, content type, server software type and HTTP protocol version 2) Search depth options all you to customize how many links Linkbot will scan and 3) Easy integration with favorite editor and Web browser. "
InfoLink 1.6
20-Mar-97 1,146K Win95/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install Unknown
Will verify all the links in your HTML pages. InfoLink allows the user to control what links it verifies. You can verify one page at a time or your entire site. All results are returned in the InfoLink browser so there is no need to switch between applications to look at your results. After verification open the InfoLink editor and correct any broken links that were found. Open the Broken Link Analysis window to get a single report of all the broken links. InfoLink is perfect for anyone that needs to maintain a site.
URLegal 1.4
23-Feb-97 53K Win95/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install Unknown
URLegal V1.4 lets you find broken HTTP URL links (anchors) in HTML documents and automatically repair those pages.
SiteHog Web Validator 1.0 beta 3
11-Dec-96 850K Win95/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install Unknown
The Site's structure can be displayed in a Site View; itself fully configurable in terms of content. SiteHog allows editing and correcting of Web Pages within its own basic editor and can load Pages into browser and editor applications selected by the user.
CSE 3310 HTML Validator 2.00
28-May-97 850K Win95/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
Validate your HTML documents faster and easier on your own computer without having to use internet validation services. Includes support for HTML 2.0, Netscape Extensions (Mozilla), Microsoft Internet Explorer Extensions, frames, and table.



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